Saturday, October 15, 2011

Geographic Patterns of the Physical Environment

Florida is coordinates are Latitude 24° 27′ N to 31° 00' N and Longitude 80° 02′ W to 87° 38′ W. Florida's total area is ranked as the 22nd largest in the U.S. with a total of 65,755 sq. miles. The Length is 447 miles and 361 miles wide. As far as elevations are concerned the highest point lies in Lakewood Park at an elevation of 345 ft and it's lowest point is the Atlantic ocean which is at sea level (0 ft.).

Florida is called the sunshine state due to long hot summers and relatively mild winters. Florida is considered to be humid subtropical and receives considerable amounts of rain yearly.

Average Precipitation from 1961-1990
 One of Florida's most well known geographic features would have to be it's beautiful beaches. Florida has a total of 1,197 Statute Miles of coast land, Tidal Shoreline - 2,276 Statute Miles of tidal shoreline and a total of 663 Miles of beaches.

Beautiful Napa Beach in Florida. Makes you wish you were there....

The Florida Native Plant Society has attempted to classify the natural vegetation of Florida but so far has only been able to focus on about 12 main areas due to the various ecosystems and varying climate that are present in Florida. The following are only a handful of the many diverse types of vegetation that can be found in Florida.

Sarracennia purpuria


cypress, tupelo, black gum, andor pop ash
source 2

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