Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Bypassed East

The Bypassed East as described by chapter 7 had topographical changes, varying climates from seldomly hot, to often cold and damp, Lots of forests, fishing and mineral production.
Florida for the most part can account for the majority of these characteristics but fails to meet all of the characteristics like varying topography and varying climates.
Florida lacks topographical changes due to the fact that the lowest point is sea level and the highest point is only 345 ft high, Florida for the most part is pretty flat.
As far as climate is concerned Florida does receive rain fall but it's mainly considered tropical rainfall and doesn't last long. Florida has a subtropical climate with generally warm temperatures and sufficient precipitation all year. Average January temperatures vary throughout the state with an average in Jacksonville of 64ºF and in Miami of 73ºF. The average July temperature is 91ºF in Jacksonville and 87ºF in Miami. So not very cold like the Bypassed East.

Florida has a rich variety of mineral and forest resources. The two leading mineral products of the state are phosphates and petroleum.

Florida's forests provide a variety of softwood and hardwood trees. More than 14 million acres are classified as commercial forestland. The estimated growth of trees on this land is over 15 billion cubic feet of wood. About half of the commercial forestland is owned by private companies. The Division of Forestry operates 35 state forests covering more than 650,000 acres.

Source 2

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